Bad habit — a tangled rope to untie

Tiny HabitsBad habit — a tangled rope to untieSometimes getting the change we want means breaking a bad habit rather than creating a new one. Juni couldn't stop eating sugar. The death of her mother, raising two children, and juggling a job and marriage brought her a constant feeling of background stress that she was compensating for with sweets. Then Juni tried to understand the elements of her behavior. She discovered her grief prompt and tried to deal with it by journaling and calling friends. With self-exploration and the Tiny Habits method, Juni beat her sweets obsession.

Picture a bad habit as a muddled rope with many knots; just like you can't untie all the knots at once — you can't just break a habit. You have to untangle the mess step by step, starting with the easiest knot. Juni began her change with not having dessert after dinner on Sunday, then changing her car snacks to sugarless. It worked for her because it was a matter of following the proper instructions and not a weakness of character.Find out where you can make your most manageable changes. Then your tiny step becomes your source of power.You can't stop something big and general, but you can list the parts of your bad habit and work on them individually. Try to create a new positive habit, then eliminate the bad one or replace it with the new one. Also, look for a way to decrease motivation, increase ability, and put an end to the prompt: • Your first step will be prompt — turn off the app notifications to avoid scrolling for hours. Make your environment work for your desired behavior. You can also ignore places, people, or media that trigger your bad habit. • The second step — make that action harder to repeat. Ensure it requires more money, time, and physical and mental effort. • If the previous steps don't work, go for the motivation step. A healthy snack at home motivates you not to eat junk food at a football game.

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